No to Israeli Blood Diamonds!


On Saturday 13th December ISM activists braved the cold rain on up-market Old Bond Street, London to voice their opposition to Lev Leviev’s blood diamonds. Similar protests were held in Dubai and Palestine on the same weekend. Leviev finances Israeli settlements, illegally built in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.

Despite initial opposition from Leviev’s security guards, management and police, the demonstration went ahead successfully. Activists chanted, read out fact sheets about Leviev’s war crimes, distributed leaflets and spoke with members of the public. Even the security guards eventually took an interest and it was suggested they find a different company they could be proud to work for.

ISM took the shine off the diamonds financing Israel’s dark crimes. After a couple of hours of successfully deterring many potential customers, we concluded the protest. During the entire length of our presence, not a single person entered the store.

We hope the protest will pave the way for future actions. Together, we can maintain the pressure against Leviev, and show solidarity with the New York and Dubai activists protesting the Leviev stores there as well as all others involved in the BDS campaign.


Background info:

Lev Leviev commits a compendium of human rights abuses ranging from supporting the oppressive Angolan Dos Santos regime which is renowned for its corruption, lack of transparency and violence, owning diamond mines which employ private security firms known to beat, whip and sexually abuse employees, through to purchasing rubies from Burma which supports the military junta and directly financing the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements (a war crime under the Geneva Convention).

As part of the Jewish Land Redemption Fund, Leviev finances the expansion of the Israeli settlements named: Mattityahu East, Modi’in Illit, Zufim, Maale Adumim and Har Homa. All Israeli settlements are a violation of international Law as set down in the Fourth Geneva Convention since they constitute a transference of the civilian population of the occupying power into an occupied territory. This position is further supported by both the UN and the International Court of Justice.

The theft of Palestinian land leads to the impoverishment and subjugation of Palestinian people and violent oppression against Palestinian non-violent resistance.

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